Franklin Scholars wins the Nesta Future Ready Fund award!

We are excited to announce that Franklin Scholars has been picked as one of ten successful projects under the Nesta Future Ready Fund. Projects were picked from a pool of 300 applicants for demonstrating, “great potential to expand their work…and achieve long-term, sustainable impact.”

The Future Ready Fund was designed to fund programmes focused on key non-cognitive skills previously identified by the Education Endowment Foundation, including emotional intelligence, resilience and self-confidence. The fund was launched a year after Nesta’s report The Future of Skills underscored the importance of interpersonal skills to future success in young people.

Over the next year - and in addition to financial support - we will also receive non-financial support from the fund’s evaluation partner at the University of Sussex. The support will include helping us develop our evaluation approaches and ensure our intervention is improving a number of social and emotional skills and habits.